Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lippit St. site shaping up nicely!

This weekend we got a lot done on the Lippit St. site --
Violet got us dirt, Andre and other folks built and filled beds with dirt, Laura and Andrea planted a ton of little seedlings: red cabbage, kale, spinach, beets, more kale, onions, red peppers, broccoli, and Andrea seeded some carrots and radishes.
Our garden mates Pam and Julie have been cranking away at their portion of the site as well and have so many different veggies sprouting in their compost-rich beds.
Kayla and John and Andrea scored a trellis whilst dumpster diving in the generously wasteful aftermath of graduation.
We now need some more soil and a decent amount of compost to mulch everything with to keep the moisture in. There have been tentative discussions about building a water catchment system.
Over on Pearl st. , we have dirt and compost and are working on lining the beds according to recommendations from SSCLT and should be ready to plant a ton of stuff in the next week.

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